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У раду се бавимо кратким приказом епске поезије бјеличког братства Милића са посебним освртом на историјски догађај из 1714, године (напад Нуман паше Ћуприлића) који представља својеврстан печат историјској улози овог братства у историји Црне Горе, приликом сталних покушаја турског Царства да подчини стару Црну Гору. Такође, властелини Орловићи који по предању 1389. године долазе са Косова у Херцеговину и стару Црну Гору, чији су Милићи вјерни потомци, према бројним изворима, представњају незаобилазан дио рада. Орловићи су опјевани у епској поезији као учесници видовданског боја након чега одлазе са тог подручја. Методом
кратке интерпретације епске књижевности о Милићима Орловићима уобличава се поимање вриједно помена, на основу казивања других познатих и непознатих аутора.
Кључне ријечи: Орловићи, Братство Милић, Војвода Милија, Епска поезија, Еп, Епика.

Zaključak rada:

It has te be pointed out that the reason for the lagestest numer of songs dedicated to Milic’s family was terribe attack of newpointed Bosnian Beglerbeg Cuprilic on Montenegro. Another important reason that puts Milic family in songs and tales was their bravery when sultan gave order to Beglerbeg Cuprilic to concure and defeat Montenegro in 1714. He wanted to beat, burn and mutilate all of Montenegro. Their heritage line goes from Orlovic tribe and many heroic deeds and heroes that gave their life for defending the homleand are now in song dedicated to Milics family. Milic’s family tree was lauded by many famous poets, fi ddlers and folk tales for the next generations to know the importance of family history and their heirs to remember, crowning their past as their future. Famous poets, fi ddlers and folk singers in their songs tells the story of truth and heroic deeds and how heroes are ready to give their lives for freedom and honesty and in that way they protect and defend historical heritage for future generations. As Dr. Djordjije Milic said: „Only the tree with deepest roots can touch the havens“. Dr. Milic was one who put together the history of Milic’s family collecting songs and folk tales together. In place called Ljeskopolje lives one branch of Milic’s family whose heritage is from the place called Bjelice. Milic’s family also lives in Limljani, Danilovgrad, Macuga, Niksic, Banja Luka, Zalukovina and other places in Bosnia and Hercegovina and other parts of the world. It is believed that they are in connection with following families: Goranovic, Dubljevic, Raicevic, Benjkan, Loncarevic, Bektesevic and many otheres. Many of them are in historic songs, tales and folk stories because of their bravery and involvment in battles.